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Strategic Resourcing

Introducing BPX, one of the leading providers of strategic resourcing services for pharmaceutical organizations.  
We help our clients streamline their resourcing ecosystem by providing a complete capacity demand planning suite for all of your organization's resource planning needs.  
From resourcing and planning to right sizing and slack analysis, we provide a series of tools, platforms and service that helps overcome the hurdles of cultural adoption and managing process and system gaps. Our team has extensive experience in developing strategic resourcing ecosystems from the ground up within the pharma industry, so you can rest assured that your needs are supported by niche demand planning experts. 

How We Deliver

At BPX, we understand that it can be difficult to find reliable vendors. That's why we've made it our mission to help you find the best possible options for your organization's demand planning needs. 


We hand-craft each and every one of our tools and solutions from our ecosystem to precisely fit your organization's needs so that you can be confident in your data quality and demand planning capabilities.

We know that time is precious, so we make sure to do all the hard work for you.

Why It's Important

Do you When resourcing, demand planning and filling gaps becomes a critical need to your business.

That's why BPX is the perfect partner for all your capacity demand planning needs. We'll take care of everything from creating the right tools and integrations for your ecosystem to crafting and supporting cultural change initiatives and ensuring implementation quality through agile adaption, monitored adoption and continual feedback.

What Makes Us Different

We understand that every business is unique and has different needs. That's why we offer customized solutions for each of our clients.


We'll work with you to figure out what will work best for you and your business. BPX can help, we'll take care of all the little details so you can focus on what you do best. 

Benefits the Organization

•Sustain challenging budget demands by enabling smart reductions, organizational agility and effective resourcing strategies developed from in depth work cost analysis

•Enable agile resource shifts and ‘right sizing’ of functions without sacrificing tight fit on the individual trial and project level based on slack and gap analysis

•Provide transparency of current and projected workloads, gaps, and ‘unplanned’ work alongside staffing and resource requests.

Benefits the Functions

•Ability to fill gaps across projects within a team while promoting cross pollination

•Easily justify resource requests via transparent projected demand and gap analysis

•Gain transparency in work from the ground level up to function-wide initiatives

Benefits the Individuals

•Greater ownership of their career development via ability to have input into staffing assignments, gain skill and experience to work in new adjacent areas within a function

•Drive and manage their own productivity gains with ability to track their efforts, demonstrate overwork or excess capacity, and adapt to resourcing changes

Workshopping with area leaders will result in tailored strategy, turned outputs


Strategic Resourcing

and Demand Planning

Gain trust and buy in from teams and leaders

Show benefits and rationale of BPX strategic resourcing approach & ecosystem

Configure the BPX resourcing models

Attain 95% via algorithms, benchmarks, work archetypes, and benchmarks

Workshop with Area Leaders

Fine-tune to 100% by understanding unique programs, trials, gaps, and challenges

Demonstrate value and impact

Quantify the impact on efficiency, headcount, budget, and gap mitigation

Our proprietary resourcing models are best-in-class, based on proven approaches, tunable algorithms

Our proprietary resourcing models are best-in-class, based on proven approaches, tunable algorithms


The BPX strategic resourcing models are configured to get to a 95% starting point using the following:

  • inputs on strategic work drivers and levers

  • industry and leadership aligned benchmarks

  • work and role archetype modeling

  • transparent algorithm craft, integration

  • (optional) machine learning comparators

What makes the BPX model unique?

Enables top-down organizational demand planning while providing bottom up perspectives

Integrated Gap and Stack analysis enable manager integrated, agile resource planning

Expanding talent management by giving associates ability to select experiential learning opportunities

Series of workshops with leaders will result in tailored strategy, tuned outputs:

  • understand unique programs, functional and other work​

  • where non-integrated work is happening across the organization​

  • approximate scale of unplanned work and potential additions to the pipeline​

  • challenges with current resource forecasting, management and culture​

Creating Tangible Value and Impact from Day 1

Feature 01.

Unlocking speed and efficiency through agile approaches to resource shifts

Feature 02.

Creating line of sight to targets, gaps, budgets, distribution, projections, slack

Feature 03.

Facilitating assessments of gaps, prioritization across Org, TAs

The BPX model allows quantification of value and impact of strategic resourcing

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